Sharon Coaker > Personalized Care: Peer Support & Mentoring
Peer Support & Mentoring
I’ve been there. I have an understanding of what it’s like to leave hospital without your baby. I physically haven’t experienced an early loss – but emotionally I appreciate the similarities of wanting a baby, expecting a baby and then the reality of shattered expectations.
I’ve experienced loss without having living children to look after, and with living children to look after – I think this has a significant difference to the grieving process.
I’ve experienced loss of baby boys and a baby girl.
I know what those beeps in NICU mean.
I’ve sat in the room with consultants when I’ve been given the poor clinical prognosis of our babies life.
I’ve watched the emergency buzzer being hit in the delivery room as the crash team from NICU appear in the room (more than once!)
My baby has been born and the room has been silent.
I’ve watched as my baby has died in my arms.
I’ve had those words said to me that my baby no longer has a heart beat.
I’ve organised my baby’s funeral.
I’ve scattered my baby’s ashes (with other children included and without).
If these statements ring true to you, or someone you know, and you think I could be a positive support in some way, then get in touch here.